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厦门森工包装设备有限公司是一家集研发,生产,销售为一体的国家高新技术企业。公司通过ISO质量体系认证、CE yesterday's total visit SGS search and query related websites for fully welded plate heat exchanger - BV jiangsu haila industrial equipment co., ltd., a professional manufacturer of plate heat exchangers, specializes in the research, development, production and sales of high-end brand plate heat exchangers. the main products include detachable plate heat exchangers, fully welded plate heat exchangers, brazed plate heat exchangers and accessories. the products are mainly used in chemical, pharmaceutical, papermaking, new energy, food and water treatment industries. the direct sales price of the manufacturer is reasonable. welcome to call for consultation.

35059.com 企业品牌 2025-03-28

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yztfl.com 管理咨询 2025-03-21

启得成橡塑有限公司 启得成橡塑有限公司

启得成橡塑有限公司是一家专业产销经营热熔胶的企业。公司主营:包装热熔胶、珍珠棉热熔胶、书本装订热熔胶、家具封边热熔胶、(粘扣带)魔术贴热熔胶、标签热熔胶、鞋材热熔胶等一系热熔胶列产品。广泛用于包装、印刷、卫材、鞋材、电子、家具等行业。公司生产的产品符合ROHS remote audio and video consultation SGS team building tourism activity plan

www.qidecheng.com 企业品牌 2025-03-19

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本公司专业生产橄榄油瓶,虫草瓶, valve 其他型号的玻璃瓶服务周到,诚信为本。本公司通过ISO9001 valve SGS beijing transformer vibration isolator

www.ctblp.com 商业服务 2025-03-18

深圳市通测检测技术有限公司 深圳市通测检测技术有限公司

深圳市通测检测技术有限公司是一家专业的第三方检测机构,致力于为客户提供电子烟TPD检测和通告、CE black stainless steel bolts CCC认证咨询、ROHS black stainless steel bolts UL black stainless steel bolts VDE black stainless steel bolts SGS black stainless steel bolts E-MARK black stainless steel bolts PSE、UL black stainless steel bolts 莱茵TUV、可靠性、空海运鉴定书、UN38.3、MSDS等各类认证检测服务。我们有严格的质量管理体系,确保为客户提供高质量、高效率、高附加值的服务。

www.tct-lab.com 商业服务 2025-03-17

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佛山市顺德区侨晟绝缘材料有限公司是专业生产各种绝缘材料的大型企业.厂房建筑面积达10000多平方米,拥有编织机数千台,有先进的设备,雄厚的技术力量,齐全的检测设备。我司生产的硅树脂自熄管,2715聚氯乙烯玻璃纤维套管、硅橡胶玻璃纤维套管、硅橡胶软管、玻璃硅橡胶电线、高温特殊玻璃纤维套管、玻璃纤维定纹套管、热缩套管、聚酯薄膜绝缘纸、复合材料等广泛应用于防爆电机,变压器,通讯设备及各种家用电器中,起良好的绝缘保护作用。产品已通过美国UL popularity rankings SGS popularity rankings ISO9001--2000国际 popularity rankings 畅销国内外。我公司地处交通发达,经济迅速发展的珠三角地区,位于佛山市顺德区北滘镇居委工业区,交通十分便利。本公司坚持“质量第一,信誉致上”的宗旨,以合理的价格优质的服务,为客户提供各类型的绝缘材料。热诚欢迎国内外的客商到本公司洽谈合作

www.qiaosheng.gd.cn 网络应用 2025-02-15

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智合木业是一家拥有8年生产木盒、木制包装盒、红酒木盒经验的木盒定制厂家,占地4000平方米,员工100人,采用进口原材料,支持OEM、ODM定制服务,产品100%的质量检查,准时交货,专业售后,提供SGS team building tourism activity plan

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asemi99.cn 电影视频 2025-01-28

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南通市捷华热收缩材料有限公司专业生产各种通过sgs认证符合欧盟RoHs指令的环保 this content is the result of automatically crawling this website based on its origin and does not mean that this website agrees with the content or position of the website being displayed. /PVC热缩套管/PET热收缩管/PE热收缩套管。公司产品市场覆盖面日益扩大到美国、澳大利亚、东南亚等各国,热忱欢迎海内外客商前来洽谈业务。PVC this content is the result of automatically crawling this website based on its origin and does not mean that this website agrees with the content or position of the website being displayed. /PVC热收缩套管/PVC热缩套管/PVC热收缩管

ntjh.net 电影视频 2025-01-27

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keyman58.com 管理咨询 2025-01-26

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shaiwang01.com 企业品牌 2025-01-26